New Exhibit at the Image Factory | News 5
January 13, 2012 | Reporter, Andrea Polanco
He is trained in the arts, but Hubert Neal Junior’s works are anything but conventional. At first glance his contemporary exhibition looks like the ordinary, but a closer look will reveal masterpieces that tell tales. Neal, who is a Belizean-American, is holding his first exhibition of his most recent works at the Image Factory tonight. News Five’s Andrea Polanco stopped in at the exhibition called “The Belize Show”.
Andrea Polanco, Reporting
The Belize Show features eclectic pieces of works of art, from paintings to photography which tell vivid stories; but for Hubert Neal Jr, his colourful artistic timeline portrays his personal tale, reminiscent of the feature of a social network:
Hubert Neal Jr., Artist
“I began my arts education seriously at the Academy for the arts and for my freshman year, my first year there they selected us to go to the Oprah Winfrey Show and she wanted to know of kids today and what they are doing, so I was able to get some face time with her and it’s just one of those experiences that you just don’t forget and then fast forwarding to Michael Jackson, he for me and a lot of people, he is the epitome of what an artist is.”
For Hubert, these experiences have helped to shape his craft, which he expresses in a style of its own:
Hubert Neal Jr.
“Being classically and traditionally trained, I just am very interested in the world today and the young people, so I still collect comic books. So like all these things are my influences, the graphics, the type, the video games, those are all my interest, yes I make art for myself but once I put it on the wall we are trying to communicate with the viewer and I have always wanted to speak the language of who are viewing and that includes the young people. With the shorter attention span and the faster pace of life, I decided to showcase this body of work in a way that is simple, direct but hoping that the work still maintains it’s potency.”
And through these authentic contemporary pieces, Neal hopes that he’s able to stimulate the minds of his viewers:
Hubert Neal Jr.
“I would love for everybody who looks at my work to say, ‘I got it’ but that doesn’t happen. But this is the only area where I will settle for the next best thing, and the next best thing is that you come away with something because it is open to interpretation because you can’t know what is in my head. The thing that I most fear is for someone to look at my work and be huh. I prefer you love it or hate it.”
Neal’s exhibition features Caribbean Culture including Belize and Jamaica; coupled with controversial and celebrated world figures Haile Saile, Fidel Castro, and Mummar Gaddafi. Reporting for News Five, I’m Andrea Polanco.
At seven o’clock, The Image Factory will be holding a reception with the artist, where he will have his works on sale.